
1965 出生于河北省,中国
1991 毕业于中国美术学院,中国

Currently living and working in Beijing, China
1965 Born in Hebei Province, China
1991 Graduated from Zhejiang Academy of Fine Arts, China


《独木舟摩托》,外交公寓12号空间 北京,中国 “Canoe Motorbike”, DRC NO.12, Beijing, China
《利悟利》,红砖美术馆,北京,中国 “Rêverie”, Red Brick Art Museum, Beijing, China
2014 《图像,未(不)死》,当代唐人艺术中心,北京,中国 “Bilder, die(nie) verschwinden”, Tang Contemporary Art, Beijing, China
2011 《巴洛克》,当代唐人艺术中心,北京,中国 “Baroque”, Tang Contemporary Art, Beijing, China
2010 《颜磊:Extra》,玛吉画廊,马德里,西班牙 “Yan Lei: Extra”, Gao Magee Gallery, Madrid, Spain
2009 《追光- 升级版》,尤伦斯当代艺术中心,北京,中国 “Sparkling (Upgraded)”, Ullens Center for Contemporary Art, Beijing, China
2008 《追光- 阿斯彭》,阿斯彭美术馆,阿斯彭,美国
《追光》,Paul Frèches画廊,巴黎,法国

“Sparkling – Paris”, Galerie Paul Frèches, Paris, France
“Sparkling – Aspen”, Aspen Art Museum, Aspen, USA
“Sparkling”, Xin Beijing Art Gallery, Beijing, China

2007 《颜磊个展》,RMG 画廊,纽约,美国

“Sparkling”, Robert Miller Gallery, New York, USA
“Dogzstar Project”, Galleria Continua, San Gimignano, Italy
“Support”, Shanghai Gallery of Art, Shanghai, China

2006 《特醇- 香港》,香港艺术中心,香港,中国
“Super Light – Hong Kong”, Hong Kong Arts Centre, Hong Kong, China

2005 《特醇》,麦勒画廊,卢塞恩,瑞士 Super Light”, Galerie Urs Meile, Lucerne, Switzerland
2003 《上升空间》,麦勒画廊,卢塞恩,瑞士 Climbing Space”, Galerie Urs Meile, Lucerne, Switzerland
2002 《颜磊个展》,Loft 画廊,巴黎,法国 “Yan Lei: Solo Exhibition”, Galerie Loft, Paris, France
2001 《国际山水》,艺术文件仓库,北京,中国 “International Scenery”, China Art Archives & Warehouse, Beijing, China
1999 《在资本主义前沿》,香港MOST,香港,中国 “At the Frontiers of Capitalism”, Museum of Site (MOST), Hong Kong, China
1995 《入侵》,北京儿童艺术剧院,北京,中国 “Invasion”, Beijing Children’s Art Theatre, Beijing, China



“Art and China after 1989: Theater of the World”, Guggenheim Museum, New York, USA
“Datumsoria: The Return of the Real”, ZKM, Karlsruhe, Germany
“Create Spaces”, Li Hu.A4 Museum, Cheng Du, China
“The Armory Show”, Tang Contemporary Art, New York, USA

2015 《虚空:禅意之维》,今格空间,北京,中国

“VOID – There’s Nothing More Left”, but a Little Trace from Human Beings, Ginkgo Space, Beijing, China

2014 《借古开今》,龙美术馆西岸馆开馆展,上海龙美术馆西岸馆,上海,中国
《多重宇宙——有限与无限,存在与共存》, 上海二十一世纪民生美术馆,上海,中国

“Re-View: Opening Exhibition of Long Museum West Bund”, Long Museum West Bund, Shanghai, China
15th anniversary exhibition of the “Chinese Contemporary Art Awards” (CCAA), Power Station of Art, Shanghai, China
“Fusion Convergence”, T-Museum, Hangzhou, China
“12th National Art Exhibition: The Section of Experimental Art”, Today Art Museum, Beijing, China
“1199 People: Collection from Long Museum”, Long Museum West Bund, Shanghai, China
“Cosmos – Limited and Limitless, Existence and Co-existence”, Shanghai 21st Century Minsheng Art Museum, Shanghai, China

2013 《杜尚与/或/在中国》 ,尤伦斯当代艺术中心,北京,中国
《真实、美、自由和金钱:社群媒体兴起后的艺术》,chi K11艺术空间,上海,中国

“DUCHAMP and/or/in CHINA”, Ullens Center for Contemporary Art, Beijing, China
“Truth, Beauty, Freedom and Money”, Chi K11 Art Space, Shanghai, China

2012 《第13届卡塞尔文献展》,卡塞尔,德国

“DOCUMENTA (13)”, Kassel, Germany
“Time Traveler”, Rockbund Art Museum, Shanghai, China
“Gallery Hotel Art Project”, Gallery Hotel, Beijing, China
“Face”, Minsheng Art Museum, Shanghai, China

2011 《中国当代艺术景象:山水 - 没有声音的诗歌》,希克收藏展,卢塞恩美术馆,卢塞恩,瑞士
《图像、历史、存在 , 泰康人寿保险股份有限公司成立15周年艺术品收藏展》, 中国美术馆,北京

“Shanshui – Poetry Without Sound. Landscape in Chinese Contemporary ArtWorks from Sigg Collection”, Kunstmuseum Lucerne, Lucerne, Switzerland
“The Global Contemporary Art Worlds After 1989”, ZKM, Karlsruhe, Germany
“Thirty Years of Chinese Contemporary Art”, Minsheng Art Museum, Shanghai, China
“Image History Existence – Taikang Life Art Collection 15th Anniversary Exhibition”,National Art Museum of China, Beijing, China

2010 民生美术馆开馆展:“中国当代艺术三十年历程”》,民生现代美术馆,上海,中国

Thirty Years of Chinese Contemporary Art”, Minsheng Art Museum, Shanghai, China
“Glass factory – Chinese Art under the New Financial Order”, Iberia Center for Contemporary Art, Beijing, China
“The State of Things – Contemporary Art from China and Belgium”, National Art Museum of China, Beijing, China
“The Stranger”, Platform China, Beijing, China

2009 事物状态- 中比当代艺术交流展》,比利时皇家美术宫,比利时

“Music to My Eyes”, Today Art Museum, Beijing, China
“The New Attitude of Image”, Tang Contemporary Art, Beijing, China“The State of Things – Contemporary Art from China and Belgium”, BOZAR, Brussels, Belgium

2008 《我们的未来:尤伦斯基金收藏展》,尤伦斯当代艺术中心,北京,中国

“Our Future: The Guy & Myriam Ullens Foundation Collection”, UCCA Beijing, China
“Christian Dior & Chinese Artists”, Ullens Center for Contemporary Art, Beijing, China
“Maglev Express/Live from Zhang Jiang”, Special Project of Shanghai Biennale, Z-Art Center, Shanghai, China
“Where are We?” Opening Exhibition of Beijing Center for the Arts (BCA+), Beijing, China
“Community of Tastes”, The Inaugural Exhibition of Iberia Center for Contemporary Art, Beijing, China
“Beijing-Athens Contemporary Art from China”, Technopolis, Athens, Greece
“21st Century China Art between Identity and Transformation”, Palazzo delle Esposizioni, Rome, Italy
“China Gold”, Musée Maillol, Paris, France

2007 《持续的对话》,常青画廊,圣基米亚诺,意大利

A Continuous Dialogue”, Galleria Continua, San Gimignano, Italy
“Who Do You Think You Are?”, MiArt, Milan, Italy
“Documenta 12”, Kassel, Germany
“10th Istanbul Biennial: Not Only Possible, But Also Nescessary Optimism in the Age of Global War”, Istanbul, Turkey
“Rejected Collection”, Ke Center for Contemporary Arts, Shanghai, China

2006 《恒动:当代艺术对话》,上海当代艺术馆,上海,中国
《在边缘——当代中国艺术家遇见西方》,戴维利美术馆和文化中心,威斯利美术学院,美国; 波利斯美术馆,印第安那州,美国

“Art in Motion”, Museum of Contemporary Art, Shanghai, China
“MoCA Envisage – Entry Gate: Chinese Aesthetics of Heterogeneity”, Museum of Contemporary Art, Shanghai, China
“A Continuous Dialogue”, Galleria Continua, Beijing, China
“One Work: Taikang Project of Hong Hao + Yan Lei”, Taikang Top Space, Beijing, China
“On the Edge: Contemporary Chinese Artists Encounter the West”, Davis Museum and Cultural Center, Wellesley College, Massachusetts; Indianapolis Museum of Art, Indianapolis, USA
“China Now: Art in Times of Change”, Essl Museum, Klosterneuburg, Austria

2005 《第二届广州三年展“别样:一个特殊的现代实验空间”》,广东美术馆,广州,中国
《中国:当代中国艺术家所见》,Spazio Oberdan, 米兰,意大利
《视线以外》,de Appel苹果艺术中心,阿姆斯特丹,荷兰

“The Second Guangzhou Triennial / D-Lab” (Beyond: An Extraordinary Space of Experimentation for Modernization), Guangdong Museum of Art, Guangzhou, China
“Mahjong: Contemporary Chinese Art from the Sigg Collection”, Kunstmuseum Bern, Switzerland
“China: As Seen by Contemporary Chinese Artists”, Spazio Oberdan, Milan, Italy
“On the Edge: Contemporary Chinese Artists Encounter the West”, Cantor Arts Center, Stanford University, USA
“Out of Sight”, De Appel Arts Center, Amsterdam, Netherlands

2004 《找不到北》,尼斯Villa Arson当代艺术中心/ CRAC塞特当代艺术中心,法国

“A l’est du sud de l’ouest / A l’ouest du sud de l’est, Villa Arson”, Nice; Centre National d’Art Contemporain, Sète, France
“Beyond Boundaries”, Shanghai Gallery of Art at Three on the Bund, Shanghai, China
“Open Sky”, Duolun Museum of Modern Art, Shanghai, China
“China’s Photographic Painting”, Art Seasons, Beijing, China

2003 《第50届威尼斯双年展,“紧急地带”》,威尼斯,意大利
《非聚焦:一种绘画的维度》, 二五千里文化传播中心,北京,中国

“50th Venice Biennale: Zones of Urgency”, Venice, Italy
“Alors la Chine?” Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris, France
“Left Wing”, Left Bank Community, Beijing, China
“5th Shenzhen Contemporary Sculpture Exhibition – Fifth Element: Public Art in the Age of Post-Planning”, Shenzhen, China
“Out of Focus: A Dimension for Painting”, 25000 Cultural Transmission Center, Beijing, China

2002 《第25届圣保罗双年展 “大都市肖像学”》,圣保罗,巴西
《上海双年展 “都市营造”》,上海美术馆,上海,中国
《节点: 中国当代艺术的建筑践》,联洋建筑博物馆,上海,中国
《中国的现代性》,Armando Alvares Penteado基金会巴西美术馆,圣保罗,巴西

“25th Sao Paulo Biennale: Cidades”, San Paulo, Brazil
“Shanghai Biennale 2002: Urban Creation”, Shanghai Art Museum, Shanghai, China
“The first Guangzhou Triennial – Reinterpretation: A Decade of Experimental Chinese Art (1990-2000)”, Guangdong Museum of Art, Guangzhou, China
“4th Gwangju Biennale: Pause”, Gwangju, South Korea
“Landscape of Sur-consuming”, Vitamin Creative Space, Guangzhou
“Junction: Architectural Experiment of Chinese Contemporary Art”, Lianyang Architecture Art Museum, Shanghai
“China: Contemporary Art, Fundacao Armando Alvares Penteado-Museu de Arte Brasileira”, Sao Paulo, Brazil

2001 《Polypolis (多城)—— 来自亚太巨型城市的艺术》,汉堡艺术中心,汉堡,德国

“Polypolis: Art from Asia Pacific Megacities, Kunsthaus Hamburg”, Hamburg, Germany
“City Slang: The First Annual Exhibition of Contemporary Art from the Pearl River Delta”, Artist Commune, Hong Kong, China
“The first Chengdu Biennale”, Chengdu Museum, Chengdu, China

2000 《异常与日常》,上海原弓美术馆,上海,中国 “Unusual & Usual: Contemporary Art Exhibition”, Yuangong Modern Art Museum, Shanghai, China
1999 《中日韩现代艺术展》,釜山大学美术馆,韩国

“Contemporary Art from China, Japan and Korea”, Pusan National University Gallery, Busan, Korea
“Fast Forward: New Chinese Video Art”, Centro e Arte Contemporanea de Macau, Macau, China
“China Maze”, Gallery OTSO, Espoo, Finland

1998 《影像志异——中国新概念摄影艺术展(像唯物主义那样美丽)》,上海大学美术学院画廊,上海,中国

“Images Telling Stories: Beautiful like Materialism”, College of Fine Arts, Shanghai University, Shanghai, China
“It’s Me, Imperial Ancestral Temple”, Forbidden City, Beijing, China

1997 《新亚洲、新城市、新艺术——‘97中、韩当代艺术展”》,上海长宁艺术文化中心,上海,中国

“New Asia, New City, New Art: ‘97 China-Korean Contemporary Art Exhibition”, Chang Ning Art and Culture Center, Shanghai, China

1996 《现象与影像:中国录像艺术展》,中国美术学院画廊,杭州,中国

“Phenomenon/Image: Video Art in China”, Gallery of Zhejiang Academy of Fine Arts, Hangzhou, China

1995 《后八九中国新艺术》,温哥华美术馆,温哥华,加拿大

“China’s New Art: Post-1989”, Vancouver Art Gallery, Vancouver, Canada

1994 《中、港、台摄影艺术展》,香港艺术中心,香港

“Exhibition of Contemporary Photography from Mainland China, Hong Kong and Taiwan”, Hong Kong Arts Centre, Hong Kong, China

1993 《后八九中国新艺术》,香港艺术中心,香港;

“China’s New Art: Post-1989”, Hong Kong Art Centre, Hong Kong
“Mao Goes Pop: China Post 1989”, Museum of Contemporary Art, Sydney, Australia

1989 《中国现代艺术展》,中国美术馆,北京,中国

“China Avant-garde”, The National Art Museum of China, Beijing, China


法国尼斯Villa Arson当代艺术中心

Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris, France
Villa Arson, Nice, France
Cantor Arts Center, Stanford University, USA
EMMA – Espoo Museum of Modern Art Collection, Espoo, Finland
The Guy & Myriam Ullens Foundation Collection, Geneva, Switzerland
Hong Kong Museum of Art, Hong Kong
The Red Mansion Foundation, London, United Kingdom
Long Museum, Shanghai
M+ Sigg Collection, Hong Kong