
特定地点装置  2007


对那些持续关注罗马的小画廊代理的艺术家与作品的人、或留意第五小巷中动静的过客而言,瞧这件作品头一眼时,或会感到有些困惑与惊讶。在玻璃窗外,有点古怪,有点不对劲。小房间仿佛变大了,但这与人们日常的经验不符,因为墙不会自个儿走路。之前展出的Bruna Esposito的作品还在。但回头想,又觉得事有蹊跷,因为门上赫然写着“颜磊”二字。这位闻名全球的艺术家在意大利参加过的展览也不少,包括第50届威尼斯双年展的紧急展区(Zone d’Urgenza)。颜磊(1965年出生)的创作媒介多样,从摄影到录像,借绘画来实现其(观念)作品。他在参加常青画廊(圣吉米那诺)群展“进行中的对话”(A Continuous Dialogue)时被认为是中国前卫主义艺术的一员,而此次为“晚报摊”(Edicola Notte)带来了一件(观念转化的)摄影装置。

Eyes and memories deceived by the big box’s illusion you can see through the showcase. The space and the imagination are not what they seem. That’s the provocation of the Chinese artist Yan Lei

Those who keep track of the passing of works and artists in the tiny roman gallery, as well as the passer aware of what happens in Vicolo del Cinque, experiences a feeling of confusion and of surprise at a first glance. There’s something strange, something not clear beyond the window. The little room appears bigger, but it can’t be true because walls are impossible to move. Bruna Esposito’s work seems still exposed from the previous exhibition. But, another time, it can’t be true because on the door is written Yan Lei. This artist is well known all over the world and he has joined many exhibition even in Italy. Among those the 50th Biennale di Venezia where I has exposed in Zone d’Urgenza. Yan Lei (Hebei,1965; now working in Hong Kong) uses different media, from photography to video, passing through painting, to realize his works. The artist, considered a member of L’Avanguardia Cinese in Italia by A Continuous Dialogue – a Galleria Continua’s exhibition-, has carried out a photographic installation for Edicola Notte.