绘画装置 \公共介入项目 2006
泰康计划是又一颜磊与洪浩合作的作品,它由两部分组成:被篡 改的梵高画作“阿尔勒医院的病房”(Ward in The Hospital in Arles),头裹纱布的两位艺术家亦在画中;同一画布上,还贴着两张 保险单原件,受益人为两位艺术家,保额均为七亿元人民币。如合约 签订起一年内,艺术家因艺术创作而罹患精神或肉体疾病,泰康保险 将全额支付保险金。颜磊和洪浩并未简单地提出针对艺术家身份的批 评,而是通过签订合约的形式在当代艺术系统之外巩固其艺术身份。
Another collaboration with Hong Hao, Taikang Project consists of two parts, an altered version of Van Gogh’s “Ward in The Hospital in Arles”, including both of the artists in the painting and their heads wrapped in gauze. On the same canvas, pasted original copies of insurance certificates for each of the artists at the sum of 700 million RMB each. For one-year time, should the artists felt ill or gotten hurt from their creative process, Taikang insurance will bare all costs. Instead of simply raising criticisms, to the vocation that is an artist, Yan Lei and Hong Hao solidified their artistic identify through the corporate channel out side of the contemporary art system.