
Artist Residency, Nice, France

此作品分为三个部分,艺术家受法国尼斯阿尔森城堡驻留计划(Villa Arson)的邀请,进行了为期三个月的进驻。此进驻项目邀请世界各地知名艺术家根据其空间来进行创作,艺术家进驻后,发现艺术中心的前台是一位上了年纪的老妇人在负责接待,身旁还有陪伴着她的一只狗。这个边缘化的形象和孤独的氛围立刻吸引了艺术家。而在老妇人的身后是所有曾经参与过这个项目艺术家的文献资料和相关档案,以及每个工作室的钥匙。在另一张照片上显示的则是现在这个艺术机构负责人办公室的所在,在此之前是一个炼金术士居住过的地方,而在另外一个浮雕上面有一颗心,上面铭刻着那位炼金术师用拉丁文写下的一段文字:“在此刻,我把我的心留在这里,直到永远。”而艺术家则用中文把同样的话放在了这位老妇人照片的上面。待项目结束时,艺术家在空间的墙面上使用金色用法语写下了同样的一句话:“在此刻,我把我的心留在这里,直到永远。”

The artist was invited by Villa Arson for a three month residency to create an onsite work, which he presented in three parts. The residency program has in the past invited many renowned artists the space to create projects.

Upon arrival at the site, the artist noticed an old lady sitting at the front desk, accompanied only by her dog. This feeling of alienation and loneliness immediately attracted the interest of the artist. One of the images shown are contents of a desk situated behind the old lady. The desk contents consisted of files on artists previously invited before, and a set of keys assigned for the current artist.

Another image is the director’s office; a room that was formerly occupied by an alchemist. At one end of the room there is a relief of a heart engraved with a passage written by the alchemist in Latin: “At this moment, I leave my heart here, for all time.” The artist has written a translation of this into chinese onto a photograph of the old lady. At the end of the residency, the artist left the same message in his studio, in gold paint and translated into french: “At this moment, I leave my heart here, for all time.”