
Color Wheel

艺术家自己说是为了寻找一种乐观的态度才开始制作彩轮系列的,圆形的形状具有简单的娱乐性 。360 个色谱中的不同颜色,可以按不同的逻辑关系和秩序构成衍生出无尽的不同的彩轮,更加神话了颜磊的绘画制作技术。
Looking to adopt a tone of optimism in his work, the artisthas utilized circular shapes to create the entertaining series “Color Wheel”. 360 different colors have been produced using chromatographic separation. An endless combination can be created depending on the logic or different sequences used with the color wheel; thus a mystique is added to the production process of Yan Lei’s paintings.